Case Study

Exploring Beautiful New Zealand
Inspired by Kevin’s other travelling families, Gabrielle and Luke want to take a few months off over the summer of 2019/20 to explore beautiful NZ. And what a better way to do it is in their own luxury Dutchman Kodiak Caravan – a home on wheels! While their 2 preschoolers are small, and not confined yet to school terms and holidays, they want to take some time out as a family. Renting their home out through AirBnB, they plan to be off as soon as work commitments are over in December.
They sourced a Dutchman Kodiak model in the USA that suited their needs with a separate bathroom and bunks. With Kevin’s help they arranged the purchase, importation, documentation and pickup of the caravan. Kevin managed all the work in converting and complying the unit to NZ specifications for them.
Working to a budget and by importing the caravan themselves through Cornerstone USA Imports, the Williams family have saved themselves some $20K on the retail value, and hope at the end of the season to sell the caravan to new owners who will love it like they do!
“Kevin was great – had lots of advice and helped navigate through some of the challenges we encountered. Storing the caravan on his property was great, as was his coordination with different tradesmen and professionals. Really took the stress out of the whole exercise. We would really recommend him to anyone and welcome any enquiry.”
Gabrielle and Luke Williams, November 2019
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